Quingo UK distributor, Forever Active – Mem hits the jackpot with his Quingo Classic

We’re always striving to make your Quingo mobility experience as straightforward, friendly and professional as possible. When for example, a customer takes delivery of their Quingo, a member of our team is on hand to make sure it’s set up exactly how they need it. We contact each and every customer once they’ve had a [...]

2018-03-20T10:06:16+00:00November 27th, 2012|Categories: All, Customer views|

All the leaves are brown

With autumn well and truly here, we wanted to take a few moments to share our top three autumn tips on scooter care to make sure your Quingo stays in optimum condition this season. Top tip 1: Keep your Quingo warm and dry. Cover your Quingo or keep it inside when not in use to [...]

2018-03-20T09:25:05+00:00November 1st, 2012|Categories: All, Tips and advice|