Here at Quingo, we’re passionate about providing the best mobility solutions at the best prices for all our customers.

That’s why we’ve created the ‘Quingo August Offer’: one year’s free insurance, one year’s free recovery and one year’s free service with all Quingo scooter purchases!

With the ‘Quingo August Offer’ you can save up to a £334 – meaning a few extra pennies in your pocket for more of what you enjoy!

Why choose Quingo this August?

Let’s take a look at what we call ‘the 5 wheel difference’ to find out the benefits of owning a Quingo.

1. Enhanced Stability

Quingo is the only company in the world to offer a 5 wheel stability system. Not only does this system provide you with greater control when navigating kerbs and inclines, but our forward sitting position means that the user’s weight is more safely distributed to ensure optimum, safe manoeuvrability. And with the Quingo tri-wheel steering system, even hills and uneven gradients won’t be a problem.

2. Unequalled Agility

We understand that day-to-day, you need a mobility scooter that can navigate tight spaces, such as small shops and busy shopping areas with minimum effort. When compared to 4 wheel scooters of a similar length and specification, the Quingo 5 wheel system ensures far greater manoeuvrability and agility in the situations you need it the most.

3. Better Comfort

As many of our customers know, traditional 4 wheel scooter systems often offer little in the way of leg room and space for feet. Quingo is the only scooter range that addresses this problem with its adaptive floating footplates and full ergonomic posture control. Not only do the adaptive footplates and posture control system enable greater comfort for your back, knees and ankles, but Quingo scooters also have 80% more foot space than the comparable 4 wheel scooter competitors.

4. Safer Kerb Handling

As you may have imagined, not all scooters handle kerbs in the same way. Most 3 and 4 wheel scooters systems can only handle kerbs when approaching them head on. Quingo scooters are unique, in that they utilise Kerbmaster technology to comfortably climb kerbs at a of up to 3 inches 45″ degree angle. This gives you the peace of mind knowing that you won’t become stuck or beached and left in a potentially dangerous situation.

5. Superior Adaptability

Only Quingo offers adaptive floating footplates and posture control, putting you in control of your scooter experience, not vice versa. Larger models in the Quingo range also come with an advanced seat slide which offers more leg space when you need it. All in all, Quingo scooters provide superior adaptability, meaning an all-around greater level of comfort and support for your limbs and muscles where you need it most.

Quingo Air

Save with Quingo’s August Offer!

If you would like to know more about the ‘Quingo August Offer’, or any of the 5 wheel scooters in our range please don’t hesitate to request your FREE colour brochure or give our friendly team a call on FREEPHONE 0800 023 2577.